April 28, 2009 § Leave a comment


April 27, 2009 § Leave a comment


What do you care about?

What do you care about?

[Hands Project]

Monday and Tuesday we set up a booth in the busy student center and asked the question, “What do you care about?”  Student wrote there answer on their hands, and we took a picture.  We hung up the results.  We met hundreds of new students and caused them to reflect about their life and what they are living for.  We also advertised for our large group called Impact (see below) where we answered the question, “What does God care about?”

[Sharing the gospel]

Easter was a powerful time for us to share the gospel with many international students.  We had a really amazing afternoon and evening with 10 students  from Southeast Asia who heard the full gospel for the first time.  Please join my in prayer for them, that the gospel would take root in their hearts.  I have also been sharing the gospel on various campuses around St. Louis.  Please pray for me as I learn to do this more effectively.

[New Believers]

Over the last month we have had two international students accept Jesus as Lord and Savior! Pray for these new believers over the next few weeks! Also, some of our other students are taking steps closer and closer to Jesus.

[Leadership Development]

This month 11 students expressed interested in becoming student leaders of InterVarsity at Lindenwood.  As we work to build this community, this is on of the important steps to see a real impact on campus.  During the process of evaluating gifts and having the students reflect upon their year, many of them expressed that InterVarsity had played a central role in the growth of their faith.  It was exciting to hear how God has been working in the lives of our students, and to see their heart and vision for the campus! Pray as we continue to discern the structure and where to place students next fall. In addition to the international students above, 3 student leaders said that this year their faith became their own for the first time ever.  This is why we are here!  Praise the Lord for using us to advance his purposes on this campus.   As these 5 students and the rest of our students become more ‘missional’ with their lives, their witness will be multiplied.  Real change in one student now can effect thousands of people throughout a lifetime.  I hope this is as encouraging to you as it is me!


Is a leadership camp this May which we are taking our core group of students to. We would like to bring as many students as possible as it will provide training to help our chapter grow and mature, as well as bond those who attend and unite their vision for campus! So far we have 6 students registered!  It is going to be a very transformational time for them and their development as leaders.  Check out this link: http://www.ivcatalyst.com/.


On the 13th we had our second large group of the semester! It was great! We talked about what God cares about – and students put their handprints on posters to signify a commitment or step toward God. It was a great night of fellowship and meeting new people.


The end of the semester is in sight and students are getting bogged down with final papers, tests, assignments, and projects. Please Pray for our students and staff as we finish up the semester.

[Thank YOU!]

…is never enough.  Let us not forget that YOU are the ones propelling this ministry forward.  Truly, it could not happen without your continued prayer and generous giving.  I hope that as you read these reports and hear these stories you feel deeply invested, knowing that you have an inheritince in this ministry and the blessings to come.  As a side note to the Pellites, I will be in Pella for Tulip Time and would love to see you.  Do not hesitate to email me [Jordan.kologe@gmail.com].  Lets grab some coffee at the row.  Or perhaps a Pofferjies or 12?

God Bless You,

Jordan Kologe

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