November 3, 2009 § Leave a comment

Hey everyone!  Hope this finds you well.  Also…this is not spam….fret not and read on….

Personally, I have a confession to make to you all.  I am living in fear.  I FEAR THE WINTER.  The fall here has already been pretty dreary.  Hopefully when I visit NC for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas I will get a glimpse of what I understand people are calling “the sun.”  Apparently its bright and gives off light and heat.

Here are a couple stories of how your support is effecting students lives:

Last week I spoke at our large group.  I asked the question of how, in the midst of a hurting, broken and sinful world out there and heart in here, are we to live in intimacy with God and with one another? We looked at the sinful woman washing Jesus’ feet with her tears in Luke 7.  She, like each one of us, had many barriers that should theoretically keep her from intimacy with a perfect God.  But as she cries at Jesus’ feet and the onlooking Pharisees stand tall and critical and distant in their pride, we see that it is actually her awareness of her need…her brokenness…her humility that leads her to closeness with Jesus.  I challenged the students (and me) to ‘come as we are’ to the cross because ultimately, it is our humility that will lead us to intimacy with Jesus.  God was very much at work in one student who I got to pray with at length afterwards.  He prayed, through tears, of a renewed understanding of God’s love for him through his pain.  I’ve learned of several more conversations that took place afterward of students having new and deeper understanding of what the gospel actually is.

Two weeks ago all the college ministries in Iowa were invited to a event called UNITE.  We took 70+ students from Central.  We worshiped alongside of over a thousand other college students from all over the state. Our large group worship team played the opening set.  It was a powerful experience for many underclassmen who have never experienced anything like it.  The night’s focus was to challenge students to own the great commission and start thinking about how they will live their lives for the Kingdom of God rather than for themselves.

One of our student leaders, lets call her Amy, is starting an evangelistic bible study in the language houses on campus. There are already several international students involved who are non-believers.

We are in the beginning stages of starting a weekly prayer gathering for a specific country with a monthly focus.  We will pick one country, learn about it and pray for it every week for month.  A few freshmen have already started to take ownership of running with this.


Financial Update:  A small book-keeping error has increased my budget by about 5,000 dollars.  You can see the full adjusted numbers on my blog:  What it breaks down to is I am in need of 3,250/yr or 271/mo. Please join me in prayer for this.

As always...THANKS TO YOU ALL for your encouragement, prayer, and support.  Thanks especially to Lake Forest peeps and my adopted small group – Morgans, Glass’, Hills, and Walsburgers… thanks for the care package! You must have asked my mom what my three favorite things are: chocolate, cookies, and singing cards….  I was blessed and I put those subway gift cards to good use!

I would love to hear from you.


Jordan Kologe

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