April in Iowa

April 23, 2010 § Leave a comment

It has been a good month here for a lot of reasons.

The sun came out.

I turned 27.

LOST continues to please.

But I am most happy to share with you about a student who officially devoted her life to following Jesus, and was baptized in a fountain right in the middle of campus just last night.

I remember the night last semester Jen first came to our small group. I was leading a bible study on the parable of the seed and the soils. After we finished, she asked to meet with one of the student leaders to talk through more of her questions. That was the beginning of her decision to follow Jesus that led up to the moment last night she publicly confessed that following him is the best decision she has ever made.

Afterwards she and many of the students who have been most influential in her life over the past year came over to my apartment and we celebrated her decision with worship and prayer.

Thank you all for continuing to propel this ministry forward with your prayers and support! It is great to be a part of.


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