Year in Review

May 4, 2010 § Leave a comment

It has been an incredible year to be a part of on Campus at Central and in the Iowa area as a whole.

We do keep records so that we can look back through the year and see what has worked, what hasn’t, and where our strengths and weaknesses are.

Here are some numbers from our ministry this year at Central:

We grew from 150-185 students involved.
We saw 24 people make decisions to follow Jesus.
We counted 37 active small groups, and 20 of those were bible studies with non-believers.

I feel humbled and privileged to be a part God’s plan to work in these students lives, and I hope and pray that you, as financial and prayerful supporters, have a deep sense of ownership that your support helped make this possible!

InterVarsity has chapters on many other chapters around the state. I want to share some numbers from the Iowa region as a whole this year because it is quite amazing to see.

OVERALL- 615 students (+25% since last year and +48% in the last two years)
CELLS- 133 (+73% since last year and +122% in the last two years)
CONVERSIONS- 78 (+53% since last year and +225% in the last two years)
GIGs- 63 (+62% since last year and +174% in the last two years)

So, praise the Lord for his work in the lives of College students at Central and all over Iowa.

I am looking forward to meeting with many of you this summer to share more specific stories.

As always, THANK YOU for your support!

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