New Life

November 18, 2010 § Leave a comment

God is using our efforts to change lives.   I am happy to share that last week an underclassmen girl named Sarah decided to follow Jesus!  One of our student leaders has been meeting with her once a week to talk about the life of Christ.  They recently decided to watch and discuss a video together.  The video was a basic presentation of the unconditional love of God towards those who will accept it through Christ.  After the video and the ensuing discussion, Sarah said “I don’t know what I have been waiting for.”  She said she had felt right on the edge of this decision for a long time, and the time to choose was now.  I have been so encouraged by this story as I reflect on what this really means.  This young woman has found love and forgiveness and will never be the same.  This is a priceless reward.

And it gets better.  I didn’t share the Gospel with Sarah, a sophomore girl named Amber did!  I have spent time training and encouraging and praying for Amber and other student leaders to do just this, but isn’t it amazing how God uses each of our unique contributions as a supporter, a staff worker, a student leader, and a seeking student to bring about new life??

THANK YOU for being so very generous and so very faithful to me with your prayers and your finances, and I am here to testify to you that he is on the move in student’s lives at Central…

Prayer requests:

  • Sarah.  Pray that her new faith would take root.
  • Share your Story.  Our Dec. 1st large group will include students testimonies of life transformation through Jesus.  Pray that more students would follow in Sarah’s footsteps.
  • For Ben and I as staff and Dan, Nick, Rich, Jake, Lindly, Amber, Jackie, Mandy, Sarah, Britt, Kelsey, and Mallori: our student leaders.  Pray that we would have greater love and vision for the campus, ourselves, and one another.
  • My fund development: I will be working to raise $10,000 over the next two months.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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