Update 3 :: April

April 9, 2011 § Leave a comment

Hello everyone,

Here is another video blog for your enjoyment….


  • I am working to raise 6,000 by June.  Will you consider giving a 1-time gift today? It could be 10 bucks, it could be 200, but ANY gift given today could help me win a $700 prize from InterVarsity.
  • Awesome week on campus engaging with students on the issue of modern slavery.
  • 30 students giving Kiva loans, and 5 students pray for freedom from their own slavery to sin for the first time.

If you accept my invitation to give, you can do so online right now at:  https://my.intervarsity.org/donate/to/jordan_kologe.  Please let me know via email or phone call ASAP so I can qualify for the InterVarsity prize.

Thank You for your prayers and support that make these stories a possibility.  You are truly partners and without you the ministry could not go forward.



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