Photo Journal

October 22, 2011 § Leave a comment


Here is a snapshot from campus. Each Thursday we gather from 7-9 for worship and teaching, followed by dinner out at a local favorite.  Each of the 5 of us staff take turns teaching.  A few weeks ago I taught on how our value is connected to our created purpose to be the temple of God.

Here is a picture of all the staff and students at our fall retreat three weeks ago.  We camped out for the weekend at the botanical gardens in Kaneohe.  Lots of prayer, worship, teaching, and eating.  At the end we took a few hours to share stories about what we had learned during the weekend.  Several students shared how they had made significant decisions towards following Jesus, while many shared about how they had forgiven someone from their past for the first time.

We gather as a staff team for two hours every monday afternoon to pray for the campus, for students, and for one another.  One of the great perks to living in Hawaii is that we can have outdoor meetings year-round.

My favorite story from campus so far has to do with a student named Brandon.  I met him during the first week of school.  He was sitting by himself eating subway and we struck up a conversation.  It turns out Brandon just transfered to UH, was very lonely, and was seeking God.  He was wrestling with great questions like Is Jesus God?  Is Jesus the only way?  What makes Christianity unique?  Aren’t all religions true in some way?  Why does Hell exist?  We have been meeting weekly to study the scriptures.  He is now going to Church with some other IV students, in two weekly bible studies, and finding friendship.  Pray for me as I plan to invite Brandon to make a commitment to follow Jesus with his life in the coming weeks.

I’m sorry for being out of touch in the past months.  I think and pray for you all often as I am constantly humbled by a community of friends who believe in me enough to sacrificially give and to pray.  I am extremely thankful for your partnership and I would love to hear from you!

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