Hello friends a…

November 23, 2011 § Leave a comment

Hello friends and family,

Just writing to wish you all a very happy thanksgiving with your families and take the opportunity to express my thankfulness to you. Obviously many of the stories I relate back to you all from campus have to do with students lives being impacted and changed.  And while I could tell you many many more from the past months, what I really want to say is thank you for investing in my development.  Most plainly: your generosity has enabled me to be a part of a ministry that has profoundly grown me as a follower of Jesus and this will shape the trajectory of my families entire life.  In my view, there is no more precious a gift.  Thank You.
  • GIG with Brandon: I continued to study to meet with Brandon and seen his continued growth from lonely seeker to an central part of IV’s ministry on campus.  He has now been plugged into the local Church and is growing daily.
  • All campus ministries prayer event: Campus Crusade, Baptist Campus Ministries, Khi Alpha, and InterVarsity collaborative effort saw nearly 100 students gather for 2 hours of worship and prayer for specific areas of the University after an afternoon of engaging students at the campus center with interactive displays promoting awareness about several issues of social justice. (see picture and video below).
  • Regional Conferences: 70+ staff from all over the pacific region gathered in Sacramento last week to wrestle with the topic of Multi-ethnicity. InterVarsity puts a lot of energy into teaching staff how to build a healthy ethnic identity (for ourselves and students) and how to relate across ethnic lines that can be the source of difficulty. The week was a big step forward for me personally as a white person in learning how to relate with humility and understanding.  
  • New home! Our landlords father is taking over our apartment and we are needing to find a new place to live ASAP.  Pray for us to be able to find an affordable place close to our current apt.
  • Fundraising: I am hovering steadily around the 70% funded range.  All our practical needs are met and so we count ourselves very blessed. Reaching 100% will allow my salary to slightly increase, which would be a most welcome gift as we try to maintain a healthy financial situation.  
  • Brandon: Pray that he would surrender his life the Lord’s will.
  • Our marriage: The greatest adventure of all… Pray for continued love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control for our marriage.
Jordan (and Jennie)

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