Two months in bullet points…

March 5, 2012 § Leave a comment

Hello everyone,

A few quick updates for you from the last two months.
Thank you for your generous giving in December that met our financial needs. I am so grateful for such extreme generosity.
A few highlights from the semester so far…
  • We gathered over 160 students from the region for a weekend in Sacramento to learn about the importance of our ethnic identity and how we can use it towards racial reconciliation.
  • We gathered over 40 students from our campus, the University of Honolulu, to spend a weekend learning about the third (and often most misunderstood) person of the trinity, the Holy Sprit.  It was a very transforming and freeing time for several of our students, including a non-Christian student I have been meeting with regularly to talk about Jesus.
  • My family visited in January, and we had a blast.  It was our first time together after Jennie and I’s wedding.
  • My friend invited me to preach in his absence at Christ the Foundation Anglican Church.  It was my first experience preaching on sunday morning, and was (mostly) enjoyable.
  • This one is a bit premature, but I share it in expectation.  Jennie and I will be sharing at large group this week about relationships.  When we polled our students about what they wanted to talk about, this was the unanimous winner.  As the only married people in our fellowship, we are excited to teach for the first time as a couple.
Big decisions, please pray for us.
We came to U of H on a 1 year commitment with a 3-part vision.
  • To learn from the staff and students here about how to be missionaries together in a cross-cultural setting.
  • To invest in the ministry of our marriage by starting out on an adventure.
  • To continue working with InterVarsity.
The adventure has been wildly successful!
As our short-term commitment ends in May, Jennie and I are in the midst of discerning next steps.  The original plan was to commit short-term so that after the year we could return to Texas for Jennie to finish her master’s in Counseling degree from B.H. Carroll Theological Institute in Dallas, where her practicum must be done on-site.  While here, we have formed close friendships, and I have been offered an opportunity to pursue an apprenticeship as an assistant pastor at a local church.  There is also the option to continue with IV here, or continue working for IV in some capacity in Dallas.  Please join us in prayer as we seek to pursue God with these decisions.  Please pray for clarity of vision and purpose.
I would love to hear the latest with you and your family,

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