Feb. Update

March 4, 2009 § Leave a comment

Hey Everyone! Three weeks ago I wrote you all that I was just moving in with a family near St. Charles and starting part-time on campus. It feels so much longer as I reflect on all that has happened since then. Here is a brief snapshot of how your support is effecting lives. — I co-lead a weekly community group of 7+ students. We are studying through Acts and applying it to our lives as we find practical ways to serve a specific group of international students on campus. One manifestation of this is that we are offering a ‘free taxi’ every Wednesday afternoon for international students who don’t have basic necessities and don’t know where to go get them. — We have a ‘core team’ of 20+ students who are involved in everything from community groups, to international student outreaches, to leading prayer meetings, to GIG’s (see below). — During march each of our core team students has been asked to lead a GIG. A GIG is small and informal gathering of friends focused on asking questions about God and faith. We challenged them to invite 2-3 people they know who they think would be open and interested to this discussion. GIG’s are one of the primary ways InterVarsity has seen students come to know the Lord. I will be co-leading a GIG with one of our students who hopes to meet with three of his muslim friends. (We are meeting them tonight for tea in order to build the friendship and would appreciate your prayers). — This Friday we have an event called “Culture Break.” We expect to have 100+ students come for a night of free international food and fellowship in an effort to build relationships with them and create a real sense of community where they can be exposed to the love of Christ. Many of our events now are focussed on forming relationships as we begin to form a real community of comitted missional followers of Jesus who will reach across cultural borders on campus and eventually back in their home countries as native missionaries. I ask for your continued prayers as we build this missional community at Lindenwood. Other prayer points: 1. Still looking for a part time job. Not many people are hiring right now so this has proved more difficult than anticipated. 2. Fundraising is almost at a stand still this month, and am really needing to make new connections here in St. Louis for the remaining $20,000 of my buget this year. 3. For my relationship with God to grow amidst the emotional and spiritual stress of this transition THANK YOU for being the Church to me. I am deeply grateful. As always, would love to hear the latest from you! Jordan Kologe https://ourministry.wordpress.com/

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